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Confuse December 2, 2007

Filed under: Future Plans — hana @ 6:19 pm

This stuphit lappie is really blowing me hella out. I am now fidgetting on getting a brand new laptop. I yam already googling on those new VAIO CR laptop in beautiful pink. But goddamn its gonna cost me da-very-much-extremely-bomb! Heck??!! Really cant afford it at times. At least not for this mo’. But oh. I might want to consider having another opt of Inspiron 120 by Dell which is much much affordable. But come to think of it, still.. can I manage not to shop for at least 3 months?


And oh speaking of which, I sort of got the idea for the hantaran. I might want a SLR digital camera. Be nikon, olympus, or canon. The one with partial, spot and multi-spot metering feature will be nicer yeah baby baby. YES! YES! Blimey. I’m sure I really want it. Like so blardy hell lot 😉

But if I happen to get married next year where should i dig for the moolahs for those hantarans, the baju(s), the pelamin, make ups n phots, beds (i need foster bed pls), etc.etc.etc. Tunggu jatuh dari langit ke? Oh fckkk.fckkk. Tidak!!!!! 

Something has to be done –> SAVING plan

P/s: Somebody wil be out for karaoke tonite but saya sgt sad tidak dpt join due to “over-TLC” here (demam+flu+batuk yg meleret2)